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This isn't the end of the course!

The rest of it just isn't ready yet.. I'm working on it. I'll release written versions of lessons first, and then video versions will be recorded and posted later on.

Here are some future lesson topics that you can look forward to:

  • For Loops
  • 2D Lists
  • Python Built-in Modules Overview
  • Fitting Machine Learning Models
  • Classifying Penguins with Vanilla Python (Study)
  • List Comprehensions
  • Dictionaries
  • Intro to Classes and Objects (OOP)
  • Python Scripts, Modules and Packages
  • Importing and Aliasing Third-Party Code
  • Intro to NumPy
  • Intro to Pandas
  • Intro to Matplotlib
  • Intro to Scikit-learn
  • Penguin Species Classification Project (Decision Trees)
  • Housing Price Estimation (Regression Modeling)
  • Random Forest Classification Project
  • Getting Started with Kaggle Competitions

If you're dying for some of these lessons to be completed, please annoy me (Ryan) in the Temzee Discord Channel. I'm working on lots of different pieces of content right now and I'll move this up the priority list if I know that somebody's waiting on it.

Seriously though, shoot me a DM, I'd love to hear from you!